Why? Well, first the obvious - it's sooo yummy! AND it's packed with all sorts of goodness...
In a mug add...
Juice of half a lemon (lemon - great source of vitamin C, promotes hydration, cancer fighting flavonoids, reduces occurrence of kidney stones, aids in digestion)
1 Tbsp of apple cider vinegar (ACV - can help relieve heartburn, improve nutrient absorption and supports healthy blood sugar levels in the body... great to look for raw, unfiltered, organic ACV which also contains the "mother" to also rake in the friendly bacteria benefits)
Half inch piece of fresh ginger peeled and finely sliced (ginger - a anti-inflammatory and antioxidant powerhouse with anti-inflammatory properties, improves digestion, lowers blood sugar levels)
1 Tsp of raw honey with bee pollen (honey - anti-bacterial and anti-fungal, reduces cough and throat irritation... bee pollen - anti-inflammatory, boosts the immune system, improves blood supply to nervous tissue)
Fill mug with freshly boiled water. Stir and allow to sit for until the temperature feels right for sipping and allowing the ginger to more fully infuse the water. (hot water - supports the body in natural detoxification, enhances blood circulation, aids in digestion)
Sip and savour. xx